Why is the synthetic ice surface at Hockey Lab Training Facility so easy to skate on?

Our skating surface is the closest experience to real ice.  Yes, there is more friction on the synthetic ice and it does take a little more effort to glide than on real ice. The advantage is that this translates to an easier experience when you’ll be on real ice.

Do I have to sharpen my hockey skates after each session at Hockey Lab?

We have found this assumption to be one of the biggest misunderstandings about synthetic ice.  Over the years, advances in the types of materials used to create synthetic ice, reduces the wear on skate blades. Like real ice, yes, skating on synthetic ice will dull your edges but it certainly does not ruin the blades. In fact, our regular customers who visit Hockey Lab for training, find that they need to sharpen their skates slightly more frequent, but certainly not after each visit.

Alternatively, with technical advances in skates, some players are electing to use a separate set of steel for their Hockey Lab sessions. 


What do I need to bring to Hockey Lab to train?

Training requires a minimum of hockey skates, gloves and stick. Please note that helmets are not mandatory, but recommended. If you chose not to wear a helmet, we are not reliable for any injuries that may be incurred.

Why is there an expiry date on my sessions?

The best and easiest answer for this is that if you want results, you need consistency in your training. Through our experience, the players that have had the best results come to train regularly. Wether it is your shot, skating, or playing the piano you cannot go too long between sessions. Our 3-month window provides plenty of time to book six sessions in order to have an impact on your technique and goal scoring.